The Color of Water

What was ruth experience in newyork?(chapter13)


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Mameh, aware that Ruth was pregnant, sent her to New York to stay with her well-to-do family: "my mother's family, they didn't say a lot to you. They would always take care of you in a basic way but they never said a lot to you. I didn't feel loved by them." Her Aunt Betsy, the youngest of the sisters, was living with Bubeh at that time, working as the bookkeeper of a lingerie store on the East Side. She was beautiful, like all of the sisters, and intuitive, immediately sensing that something was wrong with Ruth. Ruth told her about the pregnancy, and Aunt Betsy located a Jewish doctor who agreed to perform the abortion (without anesthesia). After the procedure Ruth felt very ashamed, and apologized profusely to her aunt. Years later, Aunt Betsy slammed the door in Ruth's face, but Ruth never faulted her: "They were all trying hard to be American, you know, not knowing what to keep and what to leave behind."