The Color Purple

In Section 1 of The Color Purple, how do two events in the dry-goods store where Celie meets Olivia foreshadow future conflicts for the characters?

need to know whats happening

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Celie sees Olivia in the dry-goods store and knows that she is her child. The fact that she follows foreshadows her inability to stay away, but when Olivia's "new mother" comments on her "daddy", and Celie is unable to stop herself from questioning the young mother.... we see conflict ahead.

I clam down from the wagon and I follow Olivia and her new mammy into a store.

She smile. Gonna make me an my girl some new dresses, she say. Her daddy be so proud.
Who her daddy, I blurt out. It like at last somebody know.
She say Mr. _____. But that ain’t my daddy name.
Mr. _____? I say. Who he?
She look like I ast something none of my bidniss.

How long you had your little girl? I ast.
Oh, she be seven her next birthday.
When that? I ast.
She think back. Then she say, December.
I think, November.
I say, real easy, What you call her?
She say, oh, we calls her Pauline.
My heart knock.
Then she frown. But I calls her Olivia.


The Color Purple