The Color Purple

What are some unknown vocabulary words in the book?

As in just words that look very confusing and if you have some can you provide the page numbers.

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Fractious- Hard to manage

Glutton- A great eater. Someone who eats too much.

Coddle- To treat nicely and tenderly with care

Serene- Peaceful, calm

Riddled- To make many holes in.

Shroud- Something that conceals or covers.

Verbosity- Use of too many words/ wordiness

Repugnance- Strong dislike

Stereotypes- a generalized belief about a group of people

Dialect- a form of language spoken by people in a particular region or group


The Color Purple

No. Unfortunarely, I have not myself read the book.



I don't have any since I have not read the book.



No, I don't.