The Count of Monte Cristo


how is suicide viewed in the novel? Who and what message was sent to the societies and familes of who tried or succeded in suicide? PLEASE answer quickly! :)

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Suicide is a reoccurring motif in this novel. Many characters consider or carry out the act of killing themselves. Dantès, Monsieur Morrel, Maximilian Morrel, Haydée, Fernand Mondego, Madame d’Villefort, and Albert de Morcerf all have their own relationship with this most desperate act. Much of romantic literature holds suicide as the ultimate demonstration of romantic devotion. Dumas thinks that suicide is a perfectly reasonable way out of dire situations. Failed romances seem an especially popular reason to off yourself in The Count of Monte Cristo. The Count, for example, only believes in Haydée's devotion when she promises to kill herself should he abandon her. I suppose all this preoccupation with suicide can look rather farcical. When taken in context, the characters are dramatic and it makes sense for them to react in such a way. This novel is filled with passion and intensity; these emotions are what define the characters.