The Count of Monte Cristo

Why did the smugglers choose the island of Monte Cristo to stop?


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They chose the island of Monte Cristo as a place to exchange goods.

It was necessary to find some neutral ground on which an exchange could be made, and then to try and land these goods on the coast of France. If the venture was successful the profit would be enormous, there would be a gain of fifty or sixty piastres each for the crew.

The patron of La Jeune Amélie proposed as a place of landing the Island of Monte Cristo, which being completely deserted, and having neither soldiers nor revenue officers, seemed to have been placed in the midst of the ocean since the time of the heathen Olympus by Mercury, the god of merchants and robbers, classes of mankind which we in modern times have separated if not made distinct, but which antiquity appears to have included in the same category.


The Count of Monte Cristo

so you say they chose this island to stop at to exchange their goods?