The Crucible

make a thesis about the crucible..


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Last updated by Frances V #1193203
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In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Miller uses the Salem Witchraft Trials of 1692 to demonstrate how easily people can be drawn into a kind of mob mentality which ultimately hurts innocent people.

Writing a thesis statement demands that you have a topic chosen for your paper. There are a number of different direction you could go...... have you chosen a topic?

Mi topic is Tituba's confession and Mary Warren begins his confessio..


I need a thesis for this ↑↑

In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Miller uses the Salem Witchraft Trials of 1692 to demonstrate how easily people can be drawn into a kind of mob mentality which ultimately hurts innocent people.

Writing a thesis statement demands that you have a topic chosen for your paper. There are a number of different direction you could go... have you chosen a topic?

My topic is how misinformation is relevant today from the misinformation in the Crucible


In need a thesis statement on the novel of misinformation on the Crucible and its relevance today