The Devil and Tom Walker

The Devil and Tom Walker-Do you consider Tom Walker better or worse than the other prominent Puritans in Boston?

TC 4. Do you consider Tom Walker better or worse than the other prominent Puritans in Boston? Consider the evidence.

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Tom has more money than the other Puritans, and he certainly makes the people in the church aware of his presence. He's well liked and respected.... but his journey into the afterlife doesn't work out to well for him..... Thus, the other prominent citizens are better off.


The Devil and Tom Walker


Going back to this question.... the Devil has trees marked with the names of prominent citizens, just waiting for them to bury themselves. I believe the difference here is the fact that these prominent citizens have hope..... they're not good people, and they're digging their own graves, but they still have a choice about the final direction they'll take their lives. Tom sealed his fate the day he made his deal with Old Scratch.

Jill, so the second answer is what I should use. Is that correct.

