The Five People You Meet in Heaven

The Journey

What emotions does eddie feel as he progresses through this journey and meets his first person?

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The journey starts with a flashback to the actual day of Eddie's birth in 1920. He then finds himself elevated, floating through a “pumpkin-colored” atmosphere, replaying his last earthly memories in his mind. As he moves through a kaleidoscope of colors and hues, he is filled with a sense of calmness, and he is without physical pain. As the journey progresses, he flashes back to his fifth birthday, after which, he finds himself on a ride at Ruby Pier, where he get off and runs through the park, remembering things and people from the past, which include the odd individuals, who were a part of the long closed "Freak Show". It is at this time that Eddie stops in front of the “Blue Man” whose pale blue complexion was his claim to fame. The Blue Man says, "Hello, Edward. I have been waiting for you."

Eddie is filled with wonder, memories, and astonishment..... his old body no longer hurts, he's like a young man again.


The Five People You Meet in Heaven