The Glass Castle

How does Rex feel after he takes the money from Jeannette when she is left in charge of the family finances?

How does Rex feel after he takes the money from Jeannette when she is left in charge of the family finances?

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Rex couldn't care less.... all he is worried about is his next drink.

"You took our money," I said. "That's what happened."

"Well, don't that beat all," Dad said. He started going on about how a man comes home from slaying dragons, trying to keep his family safe, and all he wants in return for his toil and sacrifice is a little love and respect, but it seemed these days that was just too damn much to ask for. He said he didn't take our New York money, but if Lori was hell­bent on living in that cesspool, he'd finance her trip himself.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a few wadded dollar bills. We just stared at him, so he let the crumpled money fall to the floor. "Suit yourself," he said.


The Glass Castle