The Glass Castle

Pages 15-25

What does the treatment of the cat suggest about the parents ?

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The cat was a burden, so the parents quickly left it to its own devices by tossing it out the car window. This suggests that the parents are incapable of fulfilling their responsibilities and have no compassion. This also reflects upon their parenting and lack of emotional connection with their children.

Anyone who didn't like to travel wasn't invited on our adventure, Dad said. He stopped the car, grabbed Quixote by the scruff of the neck, and tossed him out the window. Quixote landed with a screeching meow and a thud, Dad accelerated up the road, and I burst into tears.

"Don't be so sentimental," Mom said. She told me we could always get another cat, and now Quixote was going to be a wild cat, which was much more fun than being a house cat.


The Glass Castle

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