The Glass Menagerie

1- In the dancing scene, the gentleman caller Jim breaks Laura's favorite glass animal the unicorn. What is her reaction to this incident? Why is her reaction to this incident different from her reaction when her brother Tom broke one of her glass anima

scene 7

1- In the dancing scene, the gentleman caller Jim breaks Laura's favorite glass animal the unicorn. What is her reaction to this incident? Why is her reaction to this incident different from her reaction when her brother Tom broke one of her glass animals?

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When Amanda and Jim are dancing, they jostle the table and knock over the unicorn, breaking off its horn. Jim apologizes but Laura tells him not to worry. She can pretend the unicorn had an operation to make it feel less freakish. Her reaction differs because Tom is her brother.... he knows how much the menagerie means to her. Jim, however, is the boy she's always had a crush on, and he's giving her positive attention.


The Glass Menagerie