The Glass Menagerie

In Scene 6 of The Glass Menagerie, "Amanda's expectations of the evening are very high." What evidence can you find to support this statement?

In Scene 6 of The Glass Menagerie, "Amanda's expectations of the evening are very high." What evidence can you find to support this statement?

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Amanda's expectations for this evening are very high. The apartment has been made over - with great expense - and she has worried Laura by making such a fuss over the evening. Amanda is vicariously reliving her youth, and her longing for that youth is made clear when she dresses in the old frock she wore as a young girl. The escapism of living in the past, however, can never last long for Amanda, since all stories of her glory days end with her married to the faithless Mr. Wingfield. Although Jim is charmed by Amanda, Tom is slightly embarrassed by her behavior. She is not acting her age.

