The Good-Morrow

The characteristics of the poem that make decide whether its romantic or epic ..!

the characteristics of the poem that make decide whether its romantic or epic !!!

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Epic poetry consists of an elaborate narrative, which is focused on an important event. The poems contain characters of incredible stature and bravery.... heroes performing superhuman feats with courage, in battles or journeys. In addition, the events in questions are of great significance.

The Good-Morrow is a love poem, it is romantic, and although the speaker does not actually declare his love, Donne paints a vivid picture of the nature of love. Donne offers a vision of love as a perpetual “waking” (as in “our waking souls”): a “good-morrow” both in the sense of the beginning of something new—the discovery not of a “new world” but a world made new—and that of a greeting, as though “meeting” was a state of being rather than a single event. He imagines the world as created by and in love as without the pointed directedness of “sharp north” (the direction of the compass, marking our position in space) or “declining west” (the direction of the sunset, marking the passage of time). This world exists in the third term created between “thou and I,”—that is, love, which expresses the unity of the "thou" and the "I." And so we can take Donne’s final line as a way of stating, in a form also common in Shakespeare, that so long as this trinity (thou+I→love) remains intact, the immortality of love guarantees the immortality of the lovers.


The Good-Morrow