The Handmaid's Tale

Offred’s situation changes during her conversation with Ofglen at Soul Scrolls. What sort of development in her character do we see in these chapters? What does Atwood’s characterization of Offred’s life tell you about her? (Consider her relationships)

chapter 26-28

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A sense of trust has formed between the two women.... common ground, which could get them both into trouble. This relationship prompts Offred to question society and the role of women within it. She remembers how it used to be, but her conversation with Ofglen also causes her to look at her relationship with Luke differently. The biggest development we see in Offred is a realization of hope.... Ofglens words, as well as her association with the resistance allow Offred to look forward with a kind of optimism she'd thought lost forever.


The Handmaid's Tale