The Hate U Give

In Chapter 2, Starr says “Officer One-Fifteen yells at me, pointing the same gun he killed my friend with” How is this quote significant? And what does this tell us about the racial profiling in her society?

In Chapter 2, Starr says “Officer One-Fifteen yells at me, pointing the same gun he killed my friend with” How is this quote significant? And what does this tell us about the racial profiling in her society?chapter 2

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Last updated by misael p #807628
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this shows that since that officer one fifteen is white he will point a gun at any black person because of his racist view of people,meaning if youre black he assumes you are a thug or a gangster. its significant because it shows us how he thinks/feels about all black people and why he deserves to get punished for his actions


I dont have any sources but yo i hope this some what helps ;)