The Hot Zone

In part 2, how could have Delagard, Jarling and Geisbert have acted more responsibly when they were having suspicions that there was an infectious agent?

At the beginning of Part Two, Delgard was suspicious of an infectious agent at the Reston Monkey House. He even contacts individuals at USAMRIID with his concerns. At USAMRIID, Geisbert and Jarling are investigating Delgard's concerns and have contact with tissue from the Reston Monkey House. Given that there was suspicion of an infectious agent, how could Delgard, Geisbert, and Jarling have acted more responsibly?

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In cases of protocol this question is difficult to answer. Each of these men began by doing what protocol called for. There were some things, however, that were not done correctly. Dalgard, for example, received samples that were improperly packaged, Jahrling and Geisbert exposed themselves to the virus by smelling it, and then didn't tell anyone about it. I think a lot was learned from these experiences..... the dangers, the caution that needs to be taken, and the fact that these circumstances have to be taken seriously from the start. We can say they should have immediately shut it all down, but then again, we say this in hindsight. People cannot be condemned for what they do not know.


The Hot Zone