The Hot Zone

list all the contacts Monet had, from symptoms to death. then list the next two people each of those contacts might have had. how many possible infections do you have in the scenario?

the hot zone

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Seven days after the trip to Kitum Cave, Monet develops a severe headache. He decides to stay home from work, but the headache only becomes more intense and is soon joined by a backache. Three days after his headache begins, Monet spikes a fever and begins to vomit uncontrollably. His personality changes – he becomes sullen and resentful to his housekeeper – while his face becomes frozen in a mask-like state. When his eyeballs turn red and his skin takes on a yellowish shade, Monet’s housekeeper fears that he is turning into a zombie.

Several of Monet’s colleagues visit to see if he has recovered enough to return to work. When they see the state of his illness, his co-workers immediately drive him to a private hospital in Kisumu. However, the doctors at Kisumu are unable to diagnose the cause of Monet’s illness and recommend treatment at Nairobi Hospital (hospital workers), a short plane ride away. During the flight to Nairobi, Monet becomes increasingly sick and begins to vomit up blood. When the plane (people on the plane) lands, Monet manages to take a taxi to the Nairobi Hospital before collapsing and bleeding out in the waiting room. Dr. Shem Musoke of Nairobi Hospital is the first to arrive on the scene. After feeling for a pulse, his first step is to clear blood and debris from Monet’s mouth in order to insert a laryngoscope. With Dr. Musoke leaning just a few inches from Monet’s mouth, Monet suddenly vomits, spewing blood all over Dr. Musoke’s face and upper body. Monet then slips into a coma and dies in the early hours of the next morning. Despite an autopsy, the hospital staff is unable to identify the cause of his death.

Nine days after the death of Charles Monet, Dr. Musoke develops a severe backache and notices that his eyes are beginning to turn red. He first diagnoses himself with malaria and takes malaria pills and an antimalarial shot. When his skin begins to turn yellow, Dr. Musoke revises his diagnosis to typhoid fever and attempts to treat himself with antibiotics. With the continued progression of his illness, Dr. Musoke finally presents himself to his colleague, Dr. Antonia Bagshawe, who recommends exploratory surgery.
