The Hot Zone
PART 1: The Shadow of Mount Elgon
How does Mayinga N. deal with impending death?
How does Mayinga N. deal with impending death?
In the scene with Nurse Mayinga and Dr. Isaacson, Preston highlights the varying ways in which individuals deal with certain death. While Mayinga is unable to accept the truth of her situation, Isaacson immediately recognizes the likelihood of her exposure and elects to spend her time being useful. Part of this difference can be attributed to age and milestones already achieved in life. While Nurse Mayinga is barely in her twenties and dreams of studying in Europe, Dr. Isaacson is past the prime of her life and already has adult children. Yet again, Preston demonstrates the indiscriminate nature of the Ebola virus: while the young, hopeful Mayinga treats a dying patient only to die herself, the middle-aged Dr. Isaacson avoids even becoming infected.