The House of Bernarda Alba

how can we define the theme "individual vs society" in this play?

give me answer with reference to the ACT 1

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On the flip side of repression is the idea of individual freedom. Perhaps the most severe cost of repression is that it keeps a truly poetic soul, like Adela's, from flourishing. She shows time and time again that she is an eccentric with her own ideas of love and life. She ends the play willing to give up any security and safety just to be Pepe's mistress, arguably a decision more about freedom from Bernarda than about love for the selfish Pepe. Throughout the play, we see her attempt to flaunt her individuality, leading her to eventual suicide. As a poet in a conservative country, Lorca clearly sympathizes with this woman who is unable to realize her true personality and who dies for having tried to realize it.
