The House of the Scorpion


When everyone had been called to the wake on page 373, why didn’t Mr. Ortega attend? (Hint: Remember when he taught Matt how to play the piano…one of his senses is destroyed.)

When was the wine Tam Lin brought out supposed to be consumed? Include both occasions. (375)

What happened when everyone drank the wine?

Why didn’t Tam Lin warn anyone other than Daft Donald about the wine? (376-377)

Summarize Matt’s plan to break down Opium. (378-379)

Explain Matt’s emotions toward Tam Lin’s actions. How would you feel if you were Matt? (380)

Create your own plan for Opium following Matt’s return and summarize it in 4-5 sentences.

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From the text:

While he, Matt, was lying under the stars at the oasis, Tam Lin and everyone else had been called to the wake. Celia was missing because she was supposedto be an eejit. Mr. Ortega was missing because he hadn’t heard about it. Besides, he’d lived such a quiet existence for so many years that everyone had forgotten about him.

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The House of the Scorpion