The Hunger Games
Why did Peeta side with the tributes from Districts 1, 2 and 4?
Peeta in The Hunger Games sided with the tributes from Districts 1, 2 and 4. Why did he side with them?
Peeta in The Hunger Games sided with the tributes from Districts 1, 2 and 4. Why did he side with them?
He sided with the Careers to better their chances of finding Katniss and killing her, due to her 11 score in training. It's quite unusual for the poorest of the districts to score such a high number in private training. Because she's from District 12, Cato and the others wanted to kill Katniss for her scoring an 11 when they got relatively high scores themselves (9's and 10's). Normally the wealthier districts would receive higher scores than the other districts because they're better fed.
Peeta Mellark, the tribute from District 12, initially formed alliances with the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 in the 74th Hunger Games (as depicted in "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins) for strategic reasons: Protection: By aligning with stronger tributes, Peeta hoped to gain protection and increase his chances of survival. Resources: The Career Tributes (from Districts 1 and 2) had superior training, skills, and resources. Peeta likely wanted to benefit from their expertise and gain access to their supplies. Tactical advantage: Forming an alliance with multiple tributes allowed Peeta to gather information, share resources, and coordinate attacks against other opponents. Misdirection: By appearing to side with the Career Tributes, Peeta might have aimed to distract from his true intentions and loyalty to Katniss and District 12. However, it's important to note that Peeta's actions were also motivated by his desire to protect Katniss. He hoped that by forming alliances with other tributes, he could keep her safe and increase their chances of both surviving the Games. As the story unfolds, Peeta's true loyalties and motivations become clearer, and his actions become more focused on protecting Katniss and defying the Capitol.
Peeta Mellark, one of the main characters in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, was forced to participate in the 74th Hunger Games alongside Katniss Everdeen, representing District 12. Throughout the course of the Games, Peeta's alliances and loyalties are tested, and he eventually ends up siding with the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4.
There are several reasons why Peeta chose to align himself with these particular tributes. Firstly, it's important to note that the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 are typically referred to as the "Careers," as they have been trained from a young age to participate in the Games. They are generally viewed as the strongest and most skilled tributes, and they often form alliances with each other in order to increase their chances of survival.
Peeta initially forms an alliance with the tributes from District 3 and 4, but after a series of events, he ends up separated from them and on his own. He later encounters the Career tributes and realizes that they are in possession of supplies that could be beneficial to him and Katniss. In addition, Peeta recognizes that the Careers are a powerful force in the Games and aligning himself with them could increase his chances of survival.
Another factor that contributes to Peeta's decision to side with the Careers is his relationship with Katniss. Peeta has strong feelings for Katniss and is determined to do whatever he can to protect her. He believes that aligning himself with the Careers will give him access to resources and information that could help him keep Katniss safe.
Finally, Peeta also demonstrates a sense of compassion and empathy towards the other tributes. He recognizes that the Careers are often viewed as the "villains" of the Games, and he feels sympathy for them, knowing that they have been raised in a culture that glorifies violence and brutality. Peeta's decision to align himself with the Careers is not necessarily a reflection of his own values, but rather a strategic move in the context of the Games.
Peeta Mellark's decision to side with the tributes from Districts 1, 2, and 4 in the Hunger Games was based on a combination of factors, including the benefits of aligning with a powerful force in the Games, the desire to protect Katniss, and a sense of compassion towards the other tributes.
Because she scored the highest score in her private training, the Careers were jealous that a simple minded girl from District 12 scored higher than them. They felt humiliated that someone from the most poorest district scored higher.
Peeta is initially with the Careers to find Katniss and kill her for making them look foolish and bad in front of the Capitol and all of Panem.
Peeta had no choice but to side with the Careers because the Careers thought that since Katniss and Peeta are from District 12 and they know each other, it would increase their chances of finding Katniss.
Peeta het hom by die loopbane geskaar om Katniss te beskerm teen die dood van die huldeblyke van een, twee en vier.
Peeta sided with them to keep them away from her, due to her scoring an 11 in training. He was protecting her.
To better himself at surviving and gaining their supplies in case they all died at some point, but also to keep Katniss alive. They were also jealous that she scored higher than them in training.