The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

legend of sleepy hallow

what does the author do to create fear in his audience? list at least two examples.

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Irving paints a strong contrast between the natural setting of Sleepy Hollow and the supernatural superstitions of the townspeople. Were it not for the people, with their stories of ghosts and their fears of ghosts, there would be no ghosts. Meanwhile, much of the tale focuses on the natural setting: the birds, trees, and the rest of the flora and fauna of the area, as well as the bodies of water, all described in beautiful detail. Was Ichabod hit by a ghostly head or a natural pumpkin? In Sleepy Hollow, there is a vibrant tradition of privileging ideas of the supernatural, and despite all the natural evidence, many people in the town blame the Headless Horseman for Ichabod's disappearance. All of these factors add to the "fear" created in the story. In short, superstition as well as the tangible experience of the afterlife through the horseman adds to the fear.

My Example that he is a popular because people are impressed by the fact that he is a schoolmaster! (I Think)...but why would he getting the girl?Because He wants to marry her because she is a wealty


Answer one of my question but it so easy to understand

Q;Why did ichabod come to Tarry Town initially, and what did ichabod find he wanted after he came to Tarry Town? Be sure to also discuss his motive for the changes in his desire.

A:They Broke into the school and turned Everything Topsy and they taught a dog whine when Ichabod was Teaching singing!