The Lightning Thief

Describe what kind of student Percy Jackson is

The boy who is a demi god

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Percy says that he doesn't fit in at school. He describes himself as being a "troubled kid". He is intelligent but has problems concentrating. Percy says that he has ADHD or Attention deficit disorder.

Percy is the kind of student that doesn't really care. He can't pay attention with ADHD and Dyslexia and usually let's anger rule him in a tough, probing situation. ( Nancy Bobbofet)


Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif

Percy is the kind of student that doesn't really care that he can't pay attention with adhd and usually lets anger rule him in a though probing situation


Percy Jackson And the lighting theif

Percy is a troubled kid, who finds himself swimming it trouble. His father is Poseidon, that makes him a demigod. The reason he is a troubled kid is because "The Kindly Ones" follow him and he gets in trouble as if it is his fault. He has ADHD and dyslexia. He has been kicked out of a ton of schools.


Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief.