The Magic Lantern

The Pied Piper of Hamelin

What kind of notes did the piper play at first? What happened when he did so?

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From the text:

He took a deep breath and blew a note on his silver pipe that spoke to the rats of far off places, of woods and forests and rocks and mountains.
He blew another note that spoke to the rats of foxes and wolves and hawks and eagles. He blew a third note and all of the rats in Hamelin started to scurry towards the Pied Piper. They scurried out of doors, out of windows, out of drains and out of holes. They scurried down the lanes and streets towards the square. Now the Pied Piper started to play a dancing tune and he danced out of the square and the rats followed along behind.


The Pied Piper of Hamelin