The Monkey's Paw

The Monkey’s Paw

What Important information about the characters and setting is shared in the exposition of this story

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In the exposition, we learn that the White's live in a comfortable home, in an out of the way location. Mr. White is a risk taker, which is evident in the game of chess he plays with his son. We also learn that they are expecting a visitor, a friend of Mr. White's, who has recently returned from India. Mr. White, anxious to hear about a tale the Sargeant'Major had involving a monkey's paw, as to hear more. The Sargeant-Major shares the tale, shows the family the paw, and then attempts to destroy it..... not wanting anyone else to share a similar experience to the one he's had. As Mr. White snatches the paw from the flames, the story moves into its rising action.


The Monkey's Paw