Day 4

The Necklace Lesson Plan

Classroom Activities

  1. 1

    Reimagining “Boule de Suif”

    Kind of Activity:

    Creative Writing


    Students will be able to take the themes of “Boule De Suif” and imagine a different ending.

    Common Core Standards:



    To begin the activity, lead students through a short discussion of “Boule De Suif” using the following questions.

    · What are the themes in “Boule De Suif”? ·

    · What is the tone of this story?

    · Whose side do you think Maupassant is on?

    Then, have students work individually to write a new ending for “Boule De Suif." Students may choose to write one in which Butterball gets revenge or is empowered in some way.

    Ideas for Differentiated Instruction:...

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