The Necklace

At the ball, Mme. Loisel is in her element. If she could continue to maintain the lifestyle she enjoys for that evening, how do you think that might affect her character? Defend your answer using evidence from the text.

At the ball, Mme. Loisel is in her element. If she could continue to maintain the lifestyle she enjoys for that evening, how do you think that might affect her character? Defend your answer using evidence from the text.

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In my opinion, if Loisel could continue to maintain this lifestyle..... she'd only believe herself to be entitled to more.

She suffered endlessly, feeling herself born for every delicacy and luxury.

And these were the only things she loved; she felt that she was made for them. She had longed so eagerly to charm, to be desired, to be wildly attractive and sought after.


The Necklace