The Necklace
What page number and paragraph number can I find the following words in this story?
Moderate (this is the only reference to the word moderate).
Suddenly she discovered, in a black satin box, a superb diamond necklace, and her heart throbbed with an immoderate desire.
The word incessantly is not in the text.
The word vexed is not in the text.
He gave notes, took up ruinous obligations, dealt with usurers and all the race of lenders.
Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies.
She danced with rapture, with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness comprised of all this homage, admiration, these awakened desires and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman's heart.
The word whiter is not used in the text.
Note, this is a short story. My copy of the text has no page numbers.
The Necklace
@jill d,
Whiter is in my text that I Have, and I don't see rupture where u see rupture in the copy I have. I'm doing this for school and I must have a different version of it