The Odyssey
what is telemachus first reaction when odysseus reveals his identity to him support your answer with a quote
In book 16 what is telemachus first reaction when odysseus reveals his identity to him
In book 16 what is telemachus first reaction when odysseus reveals his identity to him
He does not believe that Odysseus is his father since he has come from Menelaus' kingdom where they have said he must be dead.
Telemachus challenges Odysseus; Odysseus reappears as himself rather than the old beggar and Telemachus says, "Stranger,/you are no longer what you were just now!/Your cloak is new; even your skin! You are/one of the gods who rule the sweep of heaven!/Be kind to us, we'll make you fair oblation/and gifts of hammered gold. Have mercy on us!"/The noble and enduring man replied:/"No god. Why take me for a god? No, no./I am that fther whomyour boyhood lacked/and suffered pain for lack of. I am he."
Odyssey, Robert Fitzgerald translation