The Pearl

In what ways does greed cause conflict in this novel?


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The only one who seems not to be greedy is Juana, although Kino only wants the money to help do good things for his family. The doctor refuses to treat Coyotito until Kino can pay the fee. The priest, who should be a man of God and thus one to help the Indian peoples, only will marry Kino and Juana if they can pay him. The pearl buyers show their greed because they want to "jip" Kino and pay him as little as possible hoping to make a huge profit. Even his neighbors become greedy and try to rob him.

The literary theme of John Steinbeck’s parable The Pearl is ambition leads to the excessive greed that can take over the simple life. Steinbeck uses imagery to help the reader understand that greed is taking over Kino’s simple way of living. Imagery is a visual description of the figurative language in literary work. Kino found the pearl of the world and knew it was of great value after a scorpion stung Coyotito, his son. He became so attached to the pearl that it started taking over his life and changing his outlook on his way of life. He wanted to leave the position he was born into, the simple life. Juana realized what harm the pearl was doing and tried to get rid of it, but that made things worse until Kino finally became aware that the pearl was evil.

Once Kino found the great pearl he wanted Coyotito to go to school, to get help from the doctor, he wanted new clothes, to get married, and he wanted a Winchester carbine the “rifle that broke down the barriers” (25). He wanted to leave the position that he was born into to have a better life because of the money he will receive for the pearl. Kino was eager to receive more money than he will ever make in a lifetime because it will bring fortune and value into his life. On the other hand, Juana cherished the simple life and liked her cultural and traditional ways, but didn’t think it was good enough because of cultural oppression. The doctor refuses to treat Coyotito until Kino can pay the fee. The priest, who should be a man of God and thus one to help the Indian peoples, only will marry Kino and Juana if they can pay him. The pearl buyers show their greed because they wanted to cheat Kino and pay him as little as possible hoping to make a huge profit.


answer 1 The Pearl by John Steinbeck