The Pearl

The Pearl What is the purpose of the rock, ropes, basket and blanket

What is the purpose of the rock, ropes, basket and blanket

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Kino uses these items when diving for pearls.

"Kino had two ropes, one tied to a heavy stone and one to a basket. He stripped off his shirt and trousers and laid his hat in the bottom of
the canoe. The water was oily smooth. He took his rock in one hand and his basket in the other, and he slipped feet first over the side and the rock carried him to the bottom. The bubbles rose behind him until the water cleared and he could see."

"He hooked his foot in the loop on his rock and his hands worked quickly, tearing the oysters loose, some singly, others in clusters. He laid them in his basket."

Instinctively Juana went to Coyotito where he lay on his father's blanket.


The Pearl