The Pearl

What does Kino mean by, “This pearl has become my soul. “If I give it up I shall lose my soul…” Do you agree with him?

the pearl

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Kino allows the pearl to consume his life at the expense of everything else he holds dear. Do I agree with him? Money is nothing when compared with the people who love you...... absolutely not.

Kino has the pearl control his life, he is willing to keep it until he gets money. I disagree because loved ones are more important than wealth especially for a pearl that's causing his family trouble.


The pearl

The strength of the pearl's grip on Kino's soul is so strong that it takes the place of his family.

The Pearl has greatly transformed Kino. At the beginning, he has profound love for his family especially his son, Coyottito. This is justified when we see him in chapter one catching the scorpion wich stung his son and killed it with his bare hand. In chapter two, he defies all the dangers of the sea by jumping in to find better pearls for his son's treatment but later, after finding the pearl, he loves it more than his family reaching an extent of beating up Juana, his beloved wife, who wanted to throw it back into the sea.


The Book, the Pearl by John Steinbeck