The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Who is Mary Elizabeth?

Who is Mary Elizabeth?

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Mary Elizabeth is a member of Patrick and Sam's group of friends, which Charlie joins at the beginning of the novel. She runs a fanzine dedicated to the Rocky Horror Picture Show and also acts in the show itself. Mary Elizabeth asks Charlie to the Sadie Hawkins dance, and the two of them subsequently begin to date. Yet the relationship does not fully please Charlie; Mary Elizabeth often dominates the conversations, trying to take a superior stance by constantly "introducing" Charlie to books or music that he already knows well. When Charlie can no longer stand dating her, he struggles with being honest. Unfortunately, all his efforts culminate during a truth or dare session when Patrick dares Charlie to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, and he kisses Sam. His romantic relationship with Mary Elizabeth rapidly falls apart and his friendships with the others are left in disarray. Later, however, Charlie and Mary Elizabeth agree to stay friends. Although Mary Elizabeth is constantly talking, her behavior prompts reflection from Charlie and forces him to consider the value of honesty and self-awareness.

