The Piano Lesson

Describe boy Willie, Lymon, Doaker Charles, and Berniece (according to the stage directions). Who is Maretha?

Describe boy Willie, Lymon, Doaker Charles, and Berniece (according to the stage directions). Who is Maretha?

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He is a tall, thin man of forty-seven, with severe features, whohas forallintentsandpurposesretiredfromtheworldthoughheworks full-time as a railroad cook.

Boy Willie:

BOY WILLIE is thirty years old. He has an infectious grin and a boyishness that is apt for his name. He is brash and impulsive, talkative and somewhat crude in speech and manner.


LYMON is twenty-nine. BOY WILLIE’s partner, he talks little, and then with a straightforwardness that is often disarming.


Thirty-five years old, with an eleven-year-old daughter, she is still in mourning for her husband after three years.

Maretha is Berniece's daughter.


The Piano Lesson