The Red Badge of Courage
How did Henry's reunion with his regiment differ from his expectations? chapter 13-14
How did Henry's reunion with his regiment differ from his expectations?
How did Henry's reunion with his regiment differ from his expectations?
As the youth approaches the fires of his regiment, he fears the men will welcome him with jibes and insults. In his tired state, he cannot invent a story to explain his actions. Too tired to run again, he must brave their insults in hope of rest.
Suddenly, a guard comes running at him with a rifle, yelling for Henry to stop. It is Wilson, the loud soldier. After recognizing the youth, Wilson is glad to see him, expressing happiness that Henry is not dead. This is not what the youth expected. He still thinks the conversation may turn toward his cowardice; and so, even in his tired state, he tells Wilson a doctored story about fighting on the right, getting shot in the head, and then getting separated from the regiment.