The Red Badge of Courage

Question for The Red Badge of Courage

In paragraph 12 of Chapter 7, Henry feels that his actions had been full of strategy. He thinks “they were the work of a master's legs.” What does he mean by this figure of speech? How is Henry attempting to convince himself that his actions were praise-worthy? Support your answer with textual evidence

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Henry is attempting to excuse his cowardice based upon the fact that in the end.... he was still alive. Rather than berating himself, he compliments himself.... his running away has been, in fact, a commendable strategy, and in the chaos, who would know.

Later the officers could fit the little pieces together again, and make a battle front. If none of the little pieces were wise enough to save themselves from the flurry of death at such a time, why, then, where would be the army? It was all plain that he had proceeded according to very correct and commendable rules.


The Red Badge of Courage