The Scarlet Ibis

Hurst doesn’t clearly state the cause of Doodle’s death. Given the events that occur toward the end of the story, what do you suppose actually caused Doodle’s death? What role, if any, do you think Brother played in Doodle’s demise?

Hurst doesn’t clearly state the cause of Doodle’s death. Given the events that occur toward the end of the story, what do you suppose actually caused Doodle’s death? What role, if any, do you think Brother played in Doodle’s demise?. Single line text.

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Last updated by jill d #170087
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Doodle is weak and sick and becomes increasingly exhausted by his brother's insistence that he keep up. Doodle was never strong and likely succumbed to his illness.... although rest might have prolonged his life.


The Scarlet Ibis