The Scarlet Ibis

Why is it so important to the narrator that his brother is "all there"?

In my packet this quotation pointed sentence ("all there") is located on lines 54-55.

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Last updated by Jayslime🐍👹 L #1083191
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The narrator found the news that Doodle would be an invalid crushing, but the fact he might not have a clear mind was unacceptable. We can infer by the narrator's brief desire to smother him that he could deal with his brother's physical incapacity, but was horrified that his mental capacity might leave him a vegetable. To be "all there" meant the brothers could interact..... that he had a brother, and that his brother would be able to share his life. If his brother wasn't "all there", he really wouldn't have a brother at all.

What does the description in lines 59-61 tell you about
