The Scarlet Pimpernel

Where is evidence in the story where Lady Blakeney shows her love for Percy?

Where is evidence in the story where Lady Blakeney shows her love for Percy after she finds out he loves her and she finds out his true identity?

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Lady Blakeney comes to, realizing she is outside the hut with Chauvelin and his soldiers just as they're waiting to ambush those waiting inside. Chauvelin tells her that she must remain silent if she wants her brother to remain alive. Lady Blakeney doesn't know what to do -- whether to save her brother or Percy -- but just then she hears Percy's voice singing 'God save the King!' out in the distance.

Lady Blakeney cannot stay silent and screams; she runs to the hut and shouts for those inside to save themselves. The soldiers grab her, run into the hut but it is empty.


Does she choose Percy? And that's how she shows her love towards him?