The Secret Life of Bees

The Secret Life of Bees

When people look back at earlier eras, they often think of them as the “good old days.” In what ways does life in 1964 seem better? In what ways does it seem worse than today?

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This question calls for your opinion, there is no right or wrong answer. Looking back at the sixties, we see the Cold War, the first men sent to Vietnam by President Kennedy, the Civil Rights protests, and the murders of some very great men. But that aside, things were also far more innocent, families were far more likely to stay intact, family dinners were anticipated events, cren played outside.

Today is very different from the 60s. Everything is about technology, family dinner is often replaced by fast food, and even when families are together, everyone is on their phones.... conversation often doesn't exist. Playing outside has been for the most part replaced by organanized sports.... everything is organized, and when it's not there's always video games and social media.


The Secret Life of Bees