The Story of My Life

The Story of My Life

Why does Helen called their cottage as a sort of rough campage ?how did the men spend their time in the evening at fern query?

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I'm sorry, I do not find a reference to "rough campage" in the novel. Chapter please?

As for the second part of your question;

Many visitors came to Fern Quarry. In the evening, by the campfire, the men played cards and whiled away the hours in talk and sport. They told stories of their wonderful feats with fowl, fish and quadruped—how many wild ducks and turkeys they had shot, what "savage trout" they had caught, and how they had bagged the craftiest foxes, outwitted the most clever 'possums and overtaken the fleetest deer, until I thought that surely the lion, the tiger, the bear and the rest of the wild tribe would not be able to stand before these wily hunters.


The Story of My Life