The Taming of the Shrew

In act 3 scene 1, of Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, Contrast Hortensio's statement in line 76 with his statement in lines 89-90. what does this reveal about his character?


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Hey, line numbers are often different in the thousands of publications released. If you give me the statements, I'd know for sure.

line 76 Hortensio's paper explains his love with the musical scale as systematized by Guido d'Arezzo in the eleventh century and called 'Gamma ut'.

line 89-90 Seize thee that list: anyone can have you. ranging: straying. be quit: get even.



line 76 E la mi, show pity or I die

line 89-90 seize thee that list: if once I find thee ranging, Hortensio will be quit with thee by changing.
