The Taming of the Shrew


In the taming shrew, wild cat for a wife from the enchanted island how does Katherine feel towards Petruchio from the day they met onward until their wedding day and how did he treat her?

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Katharina's dowry is all that matters to Petruchio at the outset, but her cleverness and "shrewishness" seem to excite him genuinely. In the end, Petruchio loves her, but in the end, he gives her the last word.

From the start, Katharina enjoys their battle of wits. She has found a man who can participate and even participate in her wordplay. Petruchio, in fact, can outdo her when necessary. Their relationship is exciting because it's like a game. And in the end, when all is said and done, Petruchio is smart enough to let her have the last word.


The Taming of the Shrew