The Tempest

How might an actor playing prospero use his voice and gestures to convey the meanings of the text in these three main likes sections li lines 1-8 lines 9-18 and lines 19-25


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Last updated by Kandie C #1192936
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Unfortunately I'm not trained as an actor. I would think Prospero would have a deep booming voice with a magician-like authoritarian tone to it.

In lines 1-8 he would have a deep booming voice and irritated gestures. In lines 9-18 he would have a proud and loud voice with excited gestures. In lines 19-25 he would have a calm and serious voice with angry gestures.

(Angry because he would be mad at the magic)

Hope this was helpful : )

in lines 9- 18,prospero vividly describes the powerful things he has accomplished with magic.what are some of the effects of his spells?