The Tempest

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Who is Ariel? What does he report to Prospero?

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Ariel is an island spirit, over whom Prospero becomes master after ousting Sycorax. He is the source of Prospero's magical powers, causing the tempest and many of the conspiracies in the play, and works for Prospero somewhat against his will. He is an intelligent, capable servant, and is finally freed by Prospero for his devoted service.

Ariel reports the results of the storm (whuch she caused) and tells Prospero that she made the incident appear to be a shipwreck.


The Tempest

Ariel was a spirit.The island was uder the spell of Ariel.Prospero rescued him from the tree where they imprisoned by Sycorax.And in return he promised to serve Prospero faithfully for a year.Ariel helped Prospero in manys.And when Ariel get to know about the plot against Prospero.He reports the plot to murder prospero and later, he helped Prospero in punishing his enemies.


The Tempest