The Tenant of Wildfell Hall

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Chapter 23

What quality in Helen does Arthur deprecate, and what is her response

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Arthur disapproved of Helen's curiosity..... he interest in anything but him.

I came back nearly as ignorant as I went, having made no acquaintance with persons and manners, and very little with things, my head swarming with a motley confusion of objects and scenes; some, it is true, leaving a deeper and more pleasing impression than others, but these embittered by the recollection that my emotions had not been shared by my companion, but that, on the contrary, when I had expressed a particular interest in anything that I saw or desired to see, it had been displeasing to him, inasmuch as it proved that I could take delight in anything disconnected with himself.


The Tenant of Wildfell Hall