The Time Machine
When does the Traveler hope to reach the white sphinx? How does he plan to protect himself and Weena on the return trip?
When does the Traveler hope to reach the white sphinx? How does he plan to protect himself and Weena on the return trip?
I also have other questions.
Why does the Traveler put down the firewood he has gathered? What does he do with the firewood?
How does the Traveler loose his direction? What does he do then?
What does the Traveler discover when he awakes? How does he react?
What has happened to the firewood the the Traveler set on fire?
What happens to Weena? How does the Traveler react? How does he escape?
How do the Morlocks react to the forest fire?
To what animal does the Traveler compare the upper-world people? Why?
To what does the Traveler attribute the changes in the status of the Eloi and Morlocks?
What does the Traveler discover when he returns to the White Sphinx? Why do the morlocks almost capture him?