The Vendor of Sweets
Quotations for generation gap in reference to the novel.
Quotations for generation gap in reference to the novel
Quotations for generation gap in reference to the novel
Jagan asked, "Did you yo try the new sweet the cook experimented with today?"
"Yes, of course; it is tasty."
"Oh, but I think it is only an old recipe in a new shape.
All sweetmeats, after all, are the same. Don't you agree?"
The pedestal had broad steps all around, which served as a park bench for the young and the old of the neighbourhood. Pensioners, idlers, tired workmen, sickly citizens advised by their doctors to inhale fresh air, sat facing
east, west, north, and south on the steps. Students leaning on their cycles formed a group on the southern steps, all dressed in tight trousers and colourful shirts, hotly discussing film stars and cricket and fashions in dress and deportment. Jagan passed the statue on its north side so that he might not embarrass his son, but he liked to make sure that he was there; with a swift glance at the group, he spotted Mali by the deep yellow of his shirt, and the brief glimpse filled him with joy.
"College," corrected Jagan, feeling somewhat piqued. "Yes, yes, I meant college. I always think of Mali as a little
fellow, and it's very difficult to remember that he is no longer a mere schoolboy. At his college gate, when the teachers left him, he saw me and stopped to ask what had brought me there. I didn't want to seem officious, and so
said something or other and then asked if he would come for a cup of coffee somewhere. 'Not just coffee,' he said, 'I want a lot to eat as well.'"
The Vendor of Sweets