The Village By the Sea

Why is launching Biju's boat such an important event in Thu?? 2. What does the failure to launch the boat mean to al Biju b) The villagers c) The future 3. Imagine you are Harl. Write a letter to Lila describing your first impression of the city of B

¹. Why is launching Biju's boat such an important event in Thu??

2. What does the failure to launch the boat mean to

a) Biju

b) The villagers

c) The future

3. Imagine you are Harl. Write a letter to Lila describing your first impression of the city of Bombay (write about sights, sounds, smells)

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Biju and his family make sure that the boat's launching will be a spectacle for everyone to remember. The atmosphere is filled with excitement and celebratio. This "party" atmosphere gives all of the villagers a sense of pride.


The Village By the Sea