The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

Watsons go to Birmingham

As the Watsons travel through Ohio, they experience “culture shock.” What differences do they notice as they travel through the state?

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From the text:

• The Ohio rest stop was really cool! It was chopped right out of the forest and had picnic tables made out of giant logs. The bathrooms were made out of the same kind of log cabin wood. The only thing about them was that they looked kind of small from the outside.

• The toilets in Ohio weren't anything like Michigan toilets. Instead of a white stool with a seat there was just a seat on a piece of wood with a great big, open, black hole underneath with the sound of flies coming out of it. No flusher, no water, no nothing. It looked Hke if you sat on the seat you might end up getting sucked down under Ohio somewhere!

• We ate our lunch on one of the picnic tables and Momma made a jug of Kool-Aid with water that me and Joey pumped. Only Momma liked it, though. The water seemed like it had metal in it and made the Kool- Aid taste like grape medicine.


The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963